MMUF Dissertation Grant

- MMUF Dissertation Grant
- Eligibility & How to Apply
- Frequently Asked Questions
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MMUF Advancement Program Fellows bring diverse perspectives to their graduate studies and careers in the academy, ensuring their perspectives are shared within their disciplines and with their students. Fellows are alumni of the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF) program and gather to prepare graduate school applications, receive funding for additional research, and professional support throughout their dissertation research. These Fellowships are open only to alumni of the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship.
The MMUF Dissertation Grants support doctoral candidates nearing the completion of their dissertation. This program is funded by the Mellon Foundation.
Diverse perspectives have been historically excluded from higher education
431 grants have been awarded through the MMUF Advancement Program and 80% of scholars have earned their doctorate
Young adults have increased access to a diversity of perspectives and deepen their understanding of people of all backgrounds
“The bootcamp really helped me better understand the graduate school application process. During the first day of lectures and workshops, I quickly realized what I did wrong on my applications and how I can do better the next time around.”

The Award
The MMUF Dissertation Grants are available to graduate students who participated in the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program. The grants provide graduate students at the critical juncture of completing their graduate degrees with support to spend a year finishing the writing of the dissertation.
- The dissertation grant offers up to $30,000 for a 12-month period. Fellows are encouraged to apply for dissertation grants from their home institutions.
- Winners who do not receive dissertation support from their own institutions are eligible to receive the full amount. The grant will be reduced by funding from other sources to ensure that each awardee receives a maximum award from all sources of $30,000.
- The Institute for Citizens & Scholars will ask graduate schools to waive tuition for winners of the MMUF Dissertation Grant.
- Candidates must arrange for their own health insurance coverage.
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