Civic Learning Round-Up: March

March 31, 2023

In this series, Citizens & Scholars compiles the best recent articles, reports, and research from around the civic learning field. Stay up-to-date on the latest news, trends, and developments in efforts to build effective citizens. 

New C&S Report: Mapping Civic Measurement

The Institute for Citizens and Scholars has released Mapping Civic Measurement, a comprehensive civic measurement landscape review and a first-of-its-kind framework for mapping civic readiness and opportunities.

Measuring Democracy

Exploring the Tools and Landscape of Civic Measurement

Mapping Civic Measurement is the product of a partnership with the Democracy Innovation project at NCoC. This video walks through the findings and other relevant tools being used in the space.

New Conversation Series

In this urgent moment for the nation, we can strengthen democracy—together. In Preamble, Citizens & Scholars president Raj Vinnakota sits down for 15-minute conversations with diverse thought leaders—across traditional divides—on the new ideas shaping a more perfect Union.


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