Career Enhancement Fellowship

- Career Enhancement Fellowship
- The Award & Eligibility
- How to Apply
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Career Enhancement Retreat Info
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The Career Enhancement Fellows are exceptional scholars whose work broadens the range of perspectives and understandings offered on college campuses and creates opportunities for crucial new scholarly voices to be heard in disciplines and institutions. Fellows are outstanding junior faculty committed to campus engagement and innovative research in the humanities and humanistic social sciences. Through the program, Fellows build an academic community and system of support as they pursue careers as university faculty and administrators.
The program is funded by the Mellon Foundation and supports scholars working in the arts and humanities. Fellows receive stipends up to $35,000, funding for travel and research, and attend a retreat to connect with other scholars and mentors.
A need for more scholarly voices to be heard in the humanities and and institutions
235 Fellows have gained tenure, 44 Fellows have been promoted to full professor, and at least 13 hold joint academic and administrative positions as deans, provosts, and Vice Presidents
Young adults have increased access to multiple perspectives and deepen their understanding of people of all backgrounds
“Now you have the beginnings of a critical mass [of faculty] …who have really been nurtured and networked through this program. I wouldn’t even be in the academy if it weren’t for these programs and I certainly wouldn’t have thrived.”

Career Development for Junior Faculty
Administered at Citizens & Scholars since 2001, the Career Enhancement Fellowship has supported more than 400 junior faculty members, creating a robust network of scholars committed to engagement and scholarship in core fields in the arts and humanities. Fellows have gone on to serve in administrative and leadership roles, receive high honors like MacArthur Fellowships, and teach new generations of students.
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