
five young people walking down a sidewalk laughing and talking

For Young People

We fund young people ages 14-24 and youth-driven organizations across the country to lead projects that improve their community, drive local policy change, and increase participation in voting and civic affairs.

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woman speaking into a microphone as a part of a panel at a conference

For Scholars & Education Leaders

We support graduate students, faculty, and higher education leaders who are making their fields and campuses more engaged and inclusive, and who are fundamentally reimaging how young people develop as effective citizens.

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One woman talking to another in an office

For Leaders

We convene and support private sector leaders, policymakers, journalists, and public sector leaders across the ideological spectrum to craft practices, policies, and narratives that prioritize youth civic development across the United States.

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Our Fellowships accelerate communities, leaders, scholars, and practitioners towards developing productive citizens.

27,000 Fellows from 75 years

C&S Fellows can be found at the highest levels of their chosen fields, expanding knowledge, shaping policy, and nurturing future generations.

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