The Institute for Citizens & Scholars accelerates the growth of the education, democracy, and civic fields through research, measurement tools, and thought leadership.

The Civic Outlook of Youth in America
First-of-its-kind national survey of 18–24-year-old Americans sheds light on their civic readiness.

Mapping Civic Measurement
Comprehensive civic measurement landscape review and a new framework for mapping civic readiness and opportunities.

From Civic Education to a Civic Learning Ecosystem
Comprehensive landscape of the civic education space to understand how the work of funders, policymakers, educators, researchers, and nonprofit organizations comes together and interacts to produce our current system of civic education.

Redefining Citizenship
Research series that explores how “citizenship” might be redefined for today’s context in a way that resonates with a diverse range of civic learning advocates.

National Survey Finds Just 1 in 3 Americans Would Pass Citizenship Test
National poll conducted in 2018 finds that only one in three Americans (36 percent) can actually pass a multiple choice test consisting of items taken from the U.S. Citizenship Test, which has a passing score of 60.

The Co-Creation Generation
Case study, including tips and ideas to help organizations engage young people in program design and organizational leadership.