Raj Vinnakota on The Daily Bolster Podcast, Ep. 74

Rajiv Vinnakota , President

April 25, 2024


Citizens & Scholars President Rajiv Vinnakota appeared as a second time guest on the The Daily Bolster podcast, which features conversations with experts providing insight for startup leaders scaling their businesses. The podcast is hosted by Matt Blumberg, Founder and CEO of Bolster who also serves on the Citizens & Scholars Board of Trustees. Raj and Matt’s discussion focused on interviewing and hiring senior nonprofit executives.

“I spent a lot of time figuring out, what’s the process that they go about making that call? How did they come to that decision? And spending very little time on whether or not that decision was the right decision or the wrong decision,” said Raj. “I want to understand that they’re bringing clarity of thought, deep thinking, and their best selves to try to make the decision with whatever information they have in the moment.”

Related: Raj Vinnakota on The Daily Bolster, Episode 63

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