MMUF Advancement Program
Creating and Patching a Faculty Pipeline
The MMUF Advancement Program Fellows bring diverse perspectives to their graduate studies and careers in the academy, ensuring their perspectives are shared within their disciplines and with their students. Fellows are alumni of the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF) program and gather to prepare graduate school applications, receive funding for additional research, and professional support throughout their dissertation research. These Fellowships are funded by the Mellon Foundation and open only to alumni of the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship.

The MMUF Dissertation Grants
The MMUF Dissertation Grants provide doctoral candidates at the critical juncture of completing their graduate degrees with support to spend a year finishing the writing of the dissertation.

The MMUF Travel & Research Grants
The MMUF Travel & Research Grants provide eligible graduate students with the financial means to complete their research prior to the start of dissertation writing. Funding is for one summer or one semester of travel and/or research support. Awards are based on the scholarly merit of the individual applications received.

The Adjunct Faculty Fellowships
The Adjunct Faculty Fellowships provide time and resources to focus on the research and scholarship necessary to secure a tenure-track position.
Among those grantees who have pursued careers in higher education

Assistant Professors
Tenured Professors
Non-Tenure Track Professors