Mellon Mays GAP

MM Gap
Bridging Undergraduate and Graduate Study
Fellows participating in the Mellon Mays Graduate Assistance Program (GAP) bring diverse perspectives to their graduate studies. The GAP helps Mellon Mays Fellows who have recently graduated maintain their graduate school ambitions and progress towards an academic career. Fellows gather to workshop applications and statements of purpose, determine the fit of graduate programs, and network with past Fellows.
This program is open only to alumni of the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship and funded by the Mellon Foundation.
A need for supportive communities and resources for those pursuing graduate study
More than 90 scholars have been accepted into graduate programs, of which, 67% are currently or have completed Ph.D. programs
Pipeline for increased perspective in graduate studies and faculty is strengthened
“I definitely will be applying to different doctorate programs. And I can say that with conviction. I wasn’t able to say that a couple of weeks ago [before the GAP bootcamp].”

Mellon Mays Gap Assistance Program
When there’s a gap between earning your undergraduate degree and pursuing your Ph.D., reduced contact with the academy, time management concerns, work-life balance, and other issues can make it more challenging to complete your application to a doctoral program.
Mellon Mays GAP provides the resources that Mellon Mays Fellows who are now successful graduate students and Ph.D.s cited as critical for getting through the gap year(s):
- Structured template of gap year activities with staff follow-up and accountability with peers on your track.
- Live and on-demand media resources including webinar courses, handouts, video interviews with more senior Fellows.
- Predoctoral coaching and mentoring, regional events and virtual conversations.
- Intensive bootcamps in spring and fall (most expenses paid) to prepare for graduate school.

Join the MM GAP
Recent Graduate
Are you in a gap year and ready to apply in 2023, or planning to apply in 2024? Send us an email to join a track.
Email usMentor
Are you a graduate student, postdoc, or faculty member interested in participating as a mentor or coach in this program? Email us to get involved.
Email us